Fungi Orchestra (2021)

Fungi Orchestra
Sound composition for fungi

Fungi Orchestra is an interactive sound sculpture for fungi that was cultivated together with artist/architect Tomas Valentinaitis at Sodas 2123 during an Artist in Residence 2021. This work is an investigation of the entanglement between humans, fungi as living material, environments, and technology.

Fungi Orchestra

Human-fungi tacility

During a period of four weeks we were cultivating different strains of fungi variants in the Alt Lab in Vilnius, to be part of the installation at Atletika Gallery for Umede Symposia.

Fungi Orchestra

Mycelium is growing

Fungi Orchestra

Mycelium growth

Custom sensors were designed to explore variations in electrical charge in the fungi and how they react to human interaction and its environment conditions. It was designed to explore the expressions of fungi through sound. Also, fungi's relation to its environment and to human presence is explored through sensing the fungi.

Fungi Orchestra

The voice of myself was sampled along with a range of other voices, and in additions to the a machine learning model handled the electrical readings of the fungi, the feedback, and the instrumentation, to create a sound piece that creates rich patterns and rhythms reflecting the fungi's electrical state in relation to its environment.

Fungi Orchestra

Tomas Valentinaitis with a culture

This work consists of five strains of cultivated fungi, custom sensors, electronics, table, and sound processing in Pure Data.

Fungi Orchestra

The work was the opening act at the Umede Symposium and was installed at the Atletika Gallery at Sodas 2123 in Vilnius.

Exhibitions and Symposia

Umede Symposium, Sodas 2123, Vilnius, Lithuania

FELT Conference, The Futures of Living Technologies Oslo Met University, Oslo, Norway 2021